Drop in experience

Fizza Khalid
1 min readDec 1, 2019


I did a group project with English Biscuit Manufacturers (EBM), so I decided to go and drop in my CV there. I had called my project supervisor in NED and requested him to set an appointment will Ali Ashraf, the factory manager and the supervisor at EBM.

I was given a date and a time. I reached there exactly on time, waited some 20–25 minutes for him. When he came he started talking, now we both knew each other as I had done a project with him. She is a very talkative guy, he didn’t let me speak much, he was going on and about what’s happening in the factory these days, who won the cricket tournament, etcetera. After constantly talking for some 90 minutes, he paused, and I took that opportunity to show him my resume and deliver my elevator pitch.

He looked at my resume and told me how I can improve it, then he said to me that if there’s every an opportunity he’ll let me know and that EBM doesn’t hire fresh graduated so his hands were tied.

Next time I will do a better research about companies and if they take fresh graduates also I will enhance my resume by doing some online courses so it stands out more. I learned that all good things really come at the right time and I guess that wasn’t my time.



Fizza Khalid

A new learner to writing and blogging. Looking for good reads and trying to be a better writer.