Lesson from a journey of immersion

Fizza Khalid
3 min readJan 2, 2020


Most of us like to think of our school life, college or university life as a journey that we’ll remember forever with fond memories. The journey that will stay with me always in an uncommon one. It was a small but intensive 3-month journey with a group of positive, supportive and amazing individuals, all of whom have latched on to my brain a small part of themselves. It was my journey with Amal Academy, a Stanford University funded career-prep program.

Amal family — Batch 124

To say I have learned a ton from my fellows at Amal would be an understatement because (as unbelievable as it sounds) I have learned so much from these guys in just 3 months! Remember that I mentioned it was an intensive journey? Well, I wasn’t exaggerating. It was quite literally life-changing. So much has changed for me; I have gone from someone who would shake while presenting in front of people to a confident speaker with clear expression; someone who didn’t ever want to be in lead to someone who loves to lead, and so much more but if I had to choose the most important lesson that I learned there it would definitely be being a life long learner.

Why is this lesson so important?

The short answer: continuous learning is imperative to keep up with this fast-paced era of technology and innovations, the deplorable state of our environment and how to save it.

The long answer: growth, both professional and personal, is not possible without learning. Everyone successful is where they want to be because they never stopped learning. Never stopped learning the competitive nature of the market, the changing demands, the new trends, the latest technology, and so on. Even for personal growth never stopped learning who they really are, what is their niche, what is their place in this world, and what can they give to society.

How do I plan to apply this lesson in life?

I already have started! I have enrolled in a post-graduate diploma course online. I have downloaded a book about elementary particles (my new found interest), and what I plan to do after I am done reading it? Well, there’s so much more that I have planned I am just taking it one at a time. I didn’t like reading news but I have made a habit of it now and it really keeps me informed about all my interests too. Safe to say I have my fingers in quite a few pies right now.

What I’d love to do more is advice my peers and seniors alike about this very important lesson and how they can benefit from it in all the times to come.



Fizza Khalid

A new learner to writing and blogging. Looking for good reads and trying to be a better writer.