Practicing happiness to boost success is always worth it

Fizza Khalid
2 min readDec 7, 2019


We have all felt down, sad, even downright depressed at some point(s) of our lives. For me that time was just a few weeks back, I was frustrated and down about not getting even a call for an interview let alone a job. I have been applying for so long and not a single call so far hit me hard.

After watching Shawn Achor’s TED talk and reading the article of Kathy Caprino on this aforementioned talk, I have come to realize the few small things that could have boosted my mood at that time. Journalling for one can do wonders, and I know this because I have been doing it for a few days now and it helps, even just ranting out your angry thoughts on a piece paper helps a great deal in thinking rationally, assessing a problem practically and thinking of possible solutions. I tried walking for about 30 minutes, and it actually felt nice, it let my mind wander, it helped think of things other than my problems and when I got back home, I was in a good mood, going through the jobs I had to apply for then and thinking ëvery job gets me closer to employment”.

So Shawn Achor was right! It really is the other way around! Success doesn’t get us happiness, happiness gets us success. After completing that course the very next day I met a friend of mine who was really frustrated and pissed at the way of government institutions, his entire day had been wasted at an institute a day before and I started telling him about the online course I did, Shaw Achor’s talk and his examples. After listening to me prattle about it all day, he said, “no wonder you have been so positive the entire day”, and that made my day! I was happy that in just 1 day these activities had such an effect on me.

Next up on my list to achieve happiness is exercising. I haven’t started yet but I have wanted to for a very long time and I have made up my mind and put it in my to-do list so I am going to start ASAP.



Fizza Khalid

A new learner to writing and blogging. Looking for good reads and trying to be a better writer.